"The various vowel points have a potent relationship to particular sephirot. The segol relates to chesed, unconditional love. Rabbi Aaron Raskin, who writes on the spiritual powers of Hebrew letters, also sees the 3 dots as a sign in itself and states that just as the segol is made up of three points, the people of Israel are composed of Kohanim, Levites, and Israelites." So this vowel is a symbol of unification, which is so fitting in creating non-binary language."
Using a Segol to Create Non-Binary Pronouns in Hebrew
by Gabrielle Pescador, ALEPH
If you want to see out a non-gendered ketubah, check out this amazing one from Rabbi Jonah Rank & Dr. Raysh Weiss!
Here is a non-gendered prayer for those in need of healing from Rabbi Jonah Rank
If you want to spread the word, share this infographic!

"I'm queer and Jewish, but I have felt a little disconnected from my roots in recent years because I haven't found any community or group for me to be a part of. What are some good resources for me to look into that will fulfill my needs?"
Erika Davis http://blackgayjewish.com/
Angel Alvarez-Mapp, Jewish communal professional, @angelmapp http://mappcreative.com/
Jeremy Burton, Jewish communal professional, @BurtonJM
Robert Bernardo, politician, @robertbernado
Adam McKinney, former Alvin Ailey dancer and co-founder of DNAWorks, https://www.dnaworks.org/
Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell, opera singer, @mordkhetzvi https://www.anthonyrussellbass.com/
Y-Love, hip-hop artist, @ylove http://thisisylove.com/
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, Political strategist and policy advisor
Matthew Nouriel aka The Empress Drag superstar Instagram
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein Theoretical physicist, feminist theorist, writer Twitter | Website
(Read more at More Queer Jews of Color to follow: https://globaljews.org/blog/7-lgbtq-jews-of-color-you-should-know/ )
Joy Ladin https://joyladin.wordpress.com/ and https://www.jewishlive.org/multitudes
Rabbi Sandra Lawson on social media https://www.rabbisandralawson.com/
Abby Stein https://thesecondtransition.blogspot.com/
Bogi Takacs http://www.prezzey.net/
Michael twitty https://afroculinaria.com/
Rena Yehuda Newman https://gumroad.com/renayehuda
Dr. Koach Baruch Frazier https://kbfrazier.blogspot.com/
Micah Bazant https://www.micahbazant.com/
Aurora Levins Morales http://www.auroralevinsmorales.com/
Penina Weinberg https://www.studywithpenina.com/
Rabbi Fern Feldman https://rabbifernfeldman.com/
R Levi Alter https://www.facebook.com/RabbiLeviAlter/
Dori Midnight https://dorimidnight.com/
Jericho Vincent https://jerichovincent.com/
Chella Man https://chellaman.com/
Adam Eli https://www.instagram.com/adameli/
Binya Koatz https://www.binyakoatz.com/
Nomy Lamm http://www.nomyteaches.com/
Queer Jewish Organizations (ie that’s their purporse)
Keshet https://www.keshetonline.org/ and https://www.keshetonline.org/resources-and-events/equality-directory/
Eshel https://www.eshelonline.org/
Sojourn: Southern Jewish Resource Network https://sojourngsd.org/
Laviot UK https://www.laviot.org/
JQ International https://jqinternational.org/
Sephardic Mizrachi Q Network https://www.facebook.com/pg/smqnetwork/ and https://www.instagram.com/smqnetwork/
A longer list of orgs: https://www.jqyouth.org/lgbtq-jewish-orgs/
Jewish Ancestral Healing podcast https://www.jewishancestralhealing.com/
Judaism unbound https://www.judaismunbound.com/
Kosher Queers http://kosherqueers.buzzsprout.com/575239
Xai How are you https://soundcloud.com/xaihowareyou
Kol tzedek philly https://www.kol-tzedek.org/
Mishkan chicago https://www.mishkanchicago.org/
Kehilla https://kehillasynagogue.org/
Chochmat haLev https://chochmat.org/
New synagogue project https://newsynagogueproject.org/
Jewish Emergent Network http://www.jewishemergentnetwork.org/
shaar zahav https://shaarzahav.org/
Other Jewish communities/organizations that are queer
Wrestling with Torah https://www.wrestlingwithtorah.org/
Nishmat Shoom http://nishmatshoom.org/
Linke Fliegl http://linkefligl.com/
Pink peacock cafe, Scotland https://pinkpeacock.gay/index.php/en/home/
Queer Mikveh Project https://rebekaherevstudio.com/queer-mikveh-project and Rising Tide Network https://www.mayyimhayyim.org/rising-tide/
Fringes https://fringeshavurah.com/
Ammud JOC Torah Academy https://www.ammud.org/
Facebook groups like Deassimilation Education, Sounds Frum and Queer and that’s Geshmak, sounds like a toevah but OK, and more
www.TransTorah.org and folks who made it, like Rabbi elliot kukla, Emily aviva kapor mater, Reuben zellman
Queer Jews of Color Resource List https://www.keshetonline.org/resources/queer-jews-of-color-resource-list/
More Books and Authors
“Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition” by Rabbi Steven Greenberg https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/2576.htm
“Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries” https://nyupress.org/9780814720127/torah-queeries/
Kate Bornstein http://katebornstein.com/
S Bear Bergman http://askingbear.com/
Shira glassman https://gumroad.com/shiraglassman
“Friday the Rabbi Wore Lace : Jewish Lesbian Erotica” https://www.bookdepository.com/Friday-Rabbi-Wore-Black-Lace/9781573440417
“Keep Your Wives Away From Them: Orthodox Women, Unorthodox Desires” https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/198595/keep-your-wives-away-from-them-by-edited-by-miryam-kabakov/
“Stone Butch Blues” & “drag king dreams” by les Feinberg https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/
“Becoming Eve” Abby Stein https://www.sealpress.com/titles/abby-stein/becoming-eve/9781580059176/
“Soul of the Stranger” & “Through the Door of Life” & many books of poetry by Joy Ladin https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/S/bo43635881.html
“Balancing on the Mechitza” Noach Dzmura https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/44439/balancing-on-the-mechitza-by-edited-by-noach-dzmura/
“A Rainbow Thread” Noam Sienna https://shabb.es/a-rainbow-thread.html/
Tahara, Disobedience, Shiva Baby, The Birdcage, and Circus of Books
Ritual items